Короткий опис(реферат):
Background and Study Aim. Considering that there are no studies aimed at identifying the components of physical and functional fitness in arm wrestling at the stage of preliminary basic training, and it is not advisable to transfer training of adult athletes to training of young men, then determining the influence and comparison of various aspects of fitness on the effectiveness of competitive activity of arm wrestlers acquires both theoretical and practical importance. Hence the purpose of the study – to determine the significance of the influence of various aspects of fitness (functional, physical) to identify factors influencing the effectiveness of competitive activity of junior armwrestlers aged 14-15.
Material and Methods. The study involved 29 young men aged 14–15 years involved in arm wrestling, they were divided into two groups: 9 athletes (14.67 ± 0.17 years) who were distinguished by high competitive performance and 20 athletes (14.45 ± 0.11 years) of the general group. Morphofunctional data, indicators of general physical, special strength and speed-strength preparedness were determined using test exercises. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was performed using licensed programs Microsoft Excel and STATISTICA 10. In the course of statistical analysis, the following parameters were determined and calculated: maximum (F) and relative (F1 = ƩF / m) strength, kg; total strength index in four strength exercises (ƩF = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4), kg; average strength, index of four exercises ( F = ƩF / 4), kg; time to reach maximum strength (Ʃt = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4), s; speed-strength index (J = ƩF / Ʃt), kg*ms-1; total strength gradient of four exercises (Ʃt0,5F), ms; speed-strength index in the first 500 ms (J500 = ƩF500 / Ʃt500), kg*ms-1; time to reach 1 kg force (t1 = Ʃt0.5F / (0.5×F), ms*kg-1; factor analysis.
Results. According to anthropometric parameters, the leaders have significantly better results in weight and height (p < 0.01), and the body mass index was higher in the general group, but the difference was not significant (p > 0.05). Functional parameters differed significantly only in the Stange and Genchi tests (p < 0.01), as well as in the strength index of both arms (p < 0.05). Analysis of the general physical fitness of the leaders and the general group parameters revealed significant differences in 5 of the 6 exercises tested. The significantly high result of the arm wrestlers is supported by high parameters of special physical fitness, namely: strength parameters in two test exercises (hook and wrist bending), as well as the overall total strength parameter of the left and right arms (p<0.05). The speed-strength indicators of both hands also differed significantly in the average strength indicator, strength gradient, strength at 500 ms, speed-strength index at 500 ms, relative strength, and time to achieve a force of 1 kg (Student's t-test ranged from 2.06 to 5.84 at p < 0.05–0.001). Factor analysis confirmed the high influence of anthropometric data and speed-strength fitness indicators on the effectiveness of arm wrestlers’ competitive activities at the studied stage of preparation.
Conclusions. In order to create the foundations for high results and sports improvement at the stage of preliminary basic training, it is necessary to provide for a predominantly significant development of strength and speed-strength capabilities, since the results obtained indicate that the growth of athletes' performance with the appropriate system of sports training is accompanied by a significant increase in maximum strength, an improvement in the indicators of starting, acceleration and fast strength in the first 500 ms of muscle tension, due to an improvement in the index and gradient of strength, the time to achieve a strength of 1 kg.